Bar Exam - MBE & Law School Outlines

PassBrief® is designed to present material in a targeted, organized, and efficient manner…structured to be used as a touchstone for quick reference; when time limitations require the quick review of important legal rules or concepts; for application to client questions; or when minutes are critical leading up to deadlines and exams.

Material presented in this PassBrief® series highlight important core points and concepts commonly required on law school and bar exams and the MBE and is presented in a way to help you not waste time in accomplishing your goals.

We wish you the best of luck in your academic and professional pursuits and thank you for considering PassBrief®.

- PassBrief® Publications, LLC


No more sifting through hundreds of pages to locate and use the most pertinent legal elements and concepts…





stand out…

Showing what you already know requires efficiency, focus, and a structure to use critical elements.

PassBrief® can help you “dial-in” and not forget to use what is most important. In this PassBrief® series we include all subjects tested on the MBE and some of the most important material taught in law school.

Bar Exam - MBE & Law School Outlines